Hibernate 2nd Level Cache with Hazelcast
This project is maintained by hazelcastInternsSummer14
In this repository, you can find a sample implementation of hibernate 2nd level cache with hazelcast. You can also find detailed explanation at http://hazelcast.org/
You should have installed Apache Maven(http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi).
It would be great if you have also installed Python 2x(https://www.python.org/downloads/) on your system.
By default "hibernate-core" and "hazelcast-hibernate4" added to project as follows in "pom.xml" file
But project is also compatible with hibernate 3.X.X versions. You can change these entries accordingly.
1) clone the repository to your local using:
git clone https://github.com/hazelcastInternsSummer14/hibernate.git
2) go to "hibernate" folder
3) Compile project using:
mvn compile
4) Create database using:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.hazelcast.hibernate.CreateDB"
5) After running the following code, you can add or delete employees. Start with writing help in the application:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.hazelcast.hibernate.ManageEmployee"
Execute the following commands in ManageEmployee. You will see that an employee will be created at the second session but you can see it in the first session too.
[1. session]command: list
[1. session]command: change
[2. session]command: add
Id: 1
First Name: Ali
Last Name: Veli
Salary: 100
[2. session]command: close
[2. session]command: change
[1. session]command: list
Id: 1 First Name: Ali Last Name: Veli Salary: 100