HTTP Session Replication

Sample Web Session Replication App through Hazelcast

This project is maintained by hazelcastInternsSummer14


This project is prepared to serve as a sample application for Hazelcast, the leading open source in-memory data grid . Here, Hazelcast's use case is HTTP Session Replication.


You should have installed Apache Tomcat7 and Apache Maven 3.2.1 on your system. Download links are given below. Choose appropriate one for you.

Apache Tomcat7 -
Apache Maven 3.2.1 -
Hazelcast 3.3-EA2 -

Extract .zip file. Drop hazelcast-3.3-EA2-ee.jar and hazelcast-sessions-tomcat7-3.3-EA2.jar to your tomcat-installation-path/lib. They are under /lib of extracted folder.

Next, you must put hazelcast.xml file to tomcat-installation-directory/lib . You can find a sample hazelcast.xml file under extracted-hazelcast-folder/bin. Additionally, in hazelcast.xml, put your license key between "license-key" and "/license-key" tags.

Finally, open tomcat7-installation-folder/conf/context.xml file and add this line

<Manager className="com.hazelcast.session.HazelcastSessionManager" sticky="true"/>

in "Context" and "/Context" tags.

How to Run Sample Application

BEFORE-STARTING : Make sure tomcat-installation-path/ and tomcat-installation-path/ are executable. You can make them executable via chmod +x and chmod +x if your working directory is tomcat-installation-path.

1) go to tomcat-installation-path/bin and run shell file from terminal.

2) clone the repository via git clone

3) then go to sessionReplicationApp/firsthot folder.

4) run maven via sudo mvn tomcat:deploy

5) maven creates firstshot.war file under sessionReplicationApp/firsthot/target folder.

6) copy firstshot.war file to tomcat7-installation-path/webapps folder

7) open a browser and enter localhost:8080/firstshot

8) username: hazelcast and password: admin